Noa Baum

Speaker, Storyteller, Author & Coach

Dare we go beyond the tribe?

The Story of Eilabun and an annual “Healing Together” Event
I grew up enveloped by my national Israeli Jewish tribe and anchored in its narrative.

Sadly I learned, many years after leaving my childhood behind, that what my tribe considers our Independence Day celebrating the miracle of Israel becoming a state in 1948, is for the Palestinians a day of mourning the loss of their land: Nakbah Day – The Catastrophe.

Today I am inspired by those who choose to create new narratives as they redefine tribal affiliations and hold joint commemorative events.

The Historic Church in Eilabun‬‎ עֵילַבּוּן عيلبون

Since 2003, a group of courageous Jews and Palestinians remember together Israeli Independence and Nakba Day. This year the joint commemorative event will take place in the historic church of Eilabun Village in the Galilee.On a cold rainy day this past January, I sat inside the ancient church of Eilabun with a small committee of Jews and Palestinians planning a joint commemoration for Israel’s Independence Day and Nakbah Day.Shivering in the damp chill, under the multi-arched ceiling of the cavernous hall, we listened to Dr. Hana Srour, a tall energetic family physician, recounting the painful story of his village:
“In this room they gathered on that day in October 1948. About 500 women, children and men, they came here, with the Bishop holding a white flag to take refuge and surrender together to the Israelis…

The Israeli Haganah soldiers came in through this door on the side, and told everyone they have to leave. Then they took out 14 young men and marched the rest to Lebanon. People had nothing, not even a coat or blanket. They just left their homes to gather at the church to surrender.”
Dr. Srour pointed to the side door, so we can see it, the exact place where it all happened. His gentle voice echoing in the eerie stillness, he continued:
“The son of the Church’s custodian in those days, is one of my patients, he told me this story. Its hard to get him to talk about that day but he told me. His brother was one of the men taken… As they started walking north, they heard a shot, and then another… 14 shots. All those men were killed.”

Custodian left the coin in this Holy Bible

“The church’s custodian died on the way. So this man, he is an old man now but still angry, his brother and his father died like that. He remembers his father, the custodian, right before they were marched off through this yard, he took what he had in his pocket – just a 10 penny coin – and put it inside the holy book and said to his boy, What belongs to God belongs to God. Filled with such faith that they will come back, you see?”
Dr. Srour’s eyes filled with tears. We listened.
“If we can get him and others to tell their story, if only he can see Israelis here, like you, listening – I know it can help with the anger, heal some of the trauma.”
Unlike many other villages, their bishop had powerful connections in Lebanon. With International pressure, all of the villagers were allowed to return. But the church became a symbol and painful reminder of the trauma, so it’s no longer used.Read more about Eilabun >>>

So Dr Srour and my friends on that committee chose this church to hold the joint commemorative event where the stories left out of the national narrative can be heard.
Like them I believe this bold sharing of our narratives and experiences can heal the wounds of the past and create a different future together for Palestinians and Jews.
You can support the healing!Please join if you can and share the details with others: 
We invite you – women, men and children – who believe in a shared future for Palestinians and Jews in this Land to the Annual Nakbah-Atzmaut Event
This year’s theme is: “Healing Together”The event will take place in the historic church of Eilabun Village in the Galilee.

April 18-19  2018  

The event will include:
·     Lectures and personal narratives·     A shared memorial service·     Dialogue and Song Circles·     Workshops·     Overnight stay with families in the village or camping on its outskirts.  

·     Special program for childrenWe invite you to join us!For registration, volunteering, or more information, please contact:Rami Ben Moshe, 052-4299430Saeed Diabat, 050-9027075

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